SuckSeed (Huay Khan Thep) is a Thai Romantic-Comedy (RomCom) released in 2011. Directed by Chayanop Boonprakob, it stars teenage actors Kao Jirayu Laongmanee, Pachara Chirathivat, Thawat Pornrattanaprasert, and Nattasha Nauljam. The film follows the antics of 3 high school students who form a band to impress girls, but, despite their efforts, play poorly and regularly end up losers. This film is everybody's favorite. See to find out!
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What do you think of the movie?
i love kao jirayu!
ReplyDeletehahaha. this movie is hilarious. good actors and music.- from malaysia
ReplyDeleteKhoong topbilled Top Secret ( the billionaire).
ReplyDeletewats d nem of d song? d 1 dat ped composed 4 Ern? i like it.
ReplyDeleteNo More Tears (Thai- Pleng Tee Chun Mai Dai Tang)
Deletea simple can u upload "sex is zero"